Other: New Website Launched By Author Jerry Lucky
Date: August 19th, 2007
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Jerry Lucky, author of the Progressive Rock Files launches website
Over the years I've written more than a few times about progressive rock on the World Wide Web. How the web has revolutionized and revitalized music is general and progressive rock specifically. It could easily be argued that the web saved progressive rock from extinction by opening up the music to a world wide audience rather than isolated pockets of fans here or there. More than one prog aficionado has commented, "What did we do before the internet?"
Well, just when you thought there were more than enough progressive rock websites out there, low-and-behold now there is one more?.mine!
Yes www.jerrylucky.com is now up and running on the World Wide Web. The site is simple and basic, nothing fancy, but it gets the job done when it comes to providing exposure for the genre I love.
If you've read my books or other articles in Progression magazine or on-line at ghostland.com you?ll have a pretty good idea of what you'll find. And if you enjoy my overall reviewing philosophy then you pretty much know what to expect, only more so. Additionally soon I hope to make available the few remaining copies of The Progressive Rock Files for sale directly from me.
At this time www.jerrylucky.com is a site for me to post reviews and express my views and commentary on the state of progressive rock music and the things I see happening both good and bad. I believe working inside the broadcast industry as well having the opportunity to view it from the outside gives me a rather unique perspective from which to comment. I hope you take the time to visit and I'd love to hear from progressive rock fans around the world who have ideas or questions about this unique and exciting musical genre.