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Artist News: More Passings... John "Bobo" Bollenberg, Vitaly Menshikov

Posted by admin on Sunday, July 21 @ 20:29:39 UTC (0 reads)

I have been working on a refresh of the site (all behind the scenes at present*) and as part of that, updating links.

In doing this search I learned that two of ProgressiveWorld's past contributors have passed away: John "Bobo" Bollenberg in January 2024 and Vitaly Menshikov in July 2017.

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Artist News: Passings...

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 11 @ 04:00:00 UTC (0 reads)

Seems this news only gets updated when someone in the prog or nearly-prog... or at least rock realm... has passed. It isn't accidental... news moves so quickly and with so many other sources... this section has fallen by the wayside...

This is, however, one of those types of posts, as we saw the news today that founder and former member of Hawkwind - Nik Turner - passed away in November. The news is probably shared in many places; here is where we noticed: Cleopatra Records.

While Fleetwood Mac were not a prog band, they were and are a band whose music I like, so I was saddened to learn of the passing of Christine McVie earlier this month. Many of their beloved classics were written by McVie. Here's hoping today's generation doesn't recall the band because "Everywhere" is being used for a Chevy commercial* (here in the US at least).

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Artist News: Yes' Alan White Passes Away

Posted by admin on Sunday, June 05 @ 12:26:47 UTC (0 reads)

In the midst of dealing with some family health matters, I have been remiss in noting here the sad news of the passing of Yes' long-time drummer Alan White. On May 26, 2022, at age 72, Alan White passed away after a short illness. Yes were to tour this month, but a few days before the start, it was announced that White would not be able to join the rest of the band... and then sadly he passed away.

White joined Yes for the Close To The Edge tour in 1972, following Bill Bruford's departure, and was with the band ever since - a feat, in a some ways, for a band that had often-shifting members (the only other mainstay, until his passing in 2015, was bassist Chris Squire). Among White's other notable collaborations is his work with John Lennon, which includes work on Imagine; with George Harrison on All Things Must Pass; as well as with Ginger Baker, Joe Cocker, Gary Wright, and Billy Preston.

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Artist News: Robby Steinhardt (Kansas) Passes Away At Age 71

Posted by admin on Sunday, July 25 @ 13:20:47 UTC (0 reads)

It's been a few days, but we saw the news about the passing of Kansas' violinist/vocalist Robby Steinhardt. Though he had not been with Kansas in a number of years, it is with them he will always be associated.

An article on his passing was posted at Rolling Stone's website.

Concerts: Genesis Reunion Tour Re-Rescheduled

Posted by admin on Saturday, January 23 @ 18:35:32 UTC (0 reads)

In a further update to our item posted - wow, last April! - the tour dates for Genesis' "The Last Domino?" tour were rescheduled again. Of course, due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic.

Below are the new dates as of 1/23/21

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Artist News: Damien Wilson Joins Arena

Posted by admin on Saturday, August 15 @ 16:07:55 UTC (0 reads)

While catching up (again) and updating the event calendar pages, we noticed a change in Arena's line up -- Vocalist Damien Wilson has joined, filling the vacancy left by Paul Manzi's departure.

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Artist News: [Delayed] News Round Up: Pattern Seeking Animals, Rick Wakeman, Haken, Nightwish...

Posted by admin on Saturday, June 13 @ 12:54:43 UTC (4641 reads)

While doing some data cleanup, I found these news bits I was queueing up for April! You see,I keep attempting to post some roundup of new albums coming out but then work commitments swallow me up whole and... I have to start again. This was the start again... and then... Anyway, looking behind and ahead, but in no particular order:

So, the new group Pattern-Seeking Animals released their follow up to their self-titled debut on May 15, 2020 (InsideOut Music). Called Prehensile Tales, it will feature 6 six songs, the longest at 17 minutes: "Raining Hard In Heaven," "Here In My Autumn" (the first single, view/listen below), "Elegant Vampires," "Why Don't We Run," "Lifeboat," and "Soon But Not Today."

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Festival News: Festival Status Update - September 12, 2020

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 16 @ 18:24:36 UTC (4100 reads)

As of 4:25pm PT Sep 12, 2020

In response to the Covid-19 (or coronavirus) outbreak, we wanted to post here a update regarding many upcoming festivals' status. Of course, many bands are cancelling or postponing tours and we have updated the Event Calendar as well. As we update this page, we'll highlight the changes with a "new" icon.

The following festivals have been rescheduled (or cancelled for 2020, and their 2021 dates announced):

September 2020:

  • Artrock - Festival Reichenbach - rescheduled for September 18 - 20, 2020

November 2020:

  • We Lave Rock, rescheduled for November 28, 2020

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Concerts: Genesis Reunite To Tour

Posted by admin on Monday, April 27 @ 17:18:55 UTC (4090 reads)

You might have thought it escaped our notice that Genesis - well, 3/5ths of Genesis - have plans to reunite and tour. It did not. It just failed to travel down our arms, to fingers, to keyboard. Dates have been announced - but whether Covid19 has other plans... We shall think positively!

So yeh, Phil Collins, Mike Rutherford and Tony Banks will tour together as Genesis under the banner The Last Domino? ("The Last Domino" being a song on their Invisible Touch album released in 1986 - god, I feel old).

The tour will hit the UK only... though one can always speculate that if the tour goes well, tickets sell (one show is already sold out!) and all, well, who knows what 2021 could bring.

Current tour dates are below and on our Event Calendar [tour rescheduled, see further below for new dates -ed].

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Artist News: Neil Peart of Rush Dies At Age 67 After 3 Year Battle With Brain Cancer

Posted by admin on Saturday, January 11 @ 17:26:58 UTC (4380 reads)

Neil Peart (c) 2009 Andrew MacNaughtonBy now, you have all heard the devastating news that Rush drummer and lyricist Neil Peart passed away at the age of 67 after a 3 year battle with brain cancer. Any lover of music will surely know his name and the music of Rush, if only for their signature hit "Tom Sawyer." But there were Rush albums before Moving Pictures and many after (all worthy of checking out). All of these albums marked by the three unique talents of Geddy Lee (bass, vocals, keys), Alex Lifeson (guitars, backing vocals) and Peart. Considered by many - including yours truly - to be one of the best drummers in the world, Peart also had a very personal take on the world. Influenced by Ayn Rand, among others, his lyrics were always literate and insightful. And, of course, his drumming - dynamic, powerful, subtle and always tasteful. He was not one for flash for the sake of flash. He didn't have an enormous drumkit because it looked impressive - though it did - but to bring life to tones and textures, moods...

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