Morse, Neal (February 2005)
Added: February 19th 2005
Date of Performance: February 9, 2005
Venue: Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Van-Blindekenskapel, Brugge, BE
It was on the 18th January when someone sent me an e-mail detailing the then forthcoming acoustic tour of Neal Morse. I was stunned to see so many gigs in Holland next to one in England and two in Germany, but none at all in Belgium. I simply felt there should be at least one date in Belgium. So I called Neal and about half an hour later I was already planning Neal's first ever visit to Brugge, Belgium. Because there were few free dates available, I was able to plan something for Wednesday 9th February. Now as this day is known in Belgium as being "Ash Wednesday," all of the churches and chapels already were fully booked. Another organisation was very much interested but felt sad they were informed so late so they backed out. With not enough time left to promote the event it looked like I would find no one interested to organize it all, so I decided to take everything onto my very own shoulders. Thank god I got the thumbs up from someone who offered me to use this small yet impressive 17th Century chapel in the heart of the city.
Mainly by means of the Internet people were informed about this exclusive Neal Morse concert held in the intimacy of the Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-van-Blindekenskapel in Brugge. Also the electronic notice boards placed around the outskirts of the city did their job, but sadly all of my posters were pasted-over by some other activity only hours after sticking them up. As Neal was visiting his brother Richard in Frankfurt he would arrive rather late that very same afternoon. By five o'clock Hans Berten was present to set up the requested PA with his Solid Sound professionalism. Hans, who is also the bass player and vocalist of Belgium's DT-answer Karma Depth, also brought along guitarist Lorenzo Petralia. Together with his girlfriend Mieke, Lorenzo has been an avid Neal Morse fan, especially since Neal left to pursue a solo career. Neal called to say he was lost somewhere in Brugge so I went to look for him in order to safely guide him to the chapel. Soundcheck only needed a good ten minutes as everything had already been well organized by Hans.
After a quick meal at my place, it was back to the chapel. Neal went to pray for a short while, and once I introduced Neal to the public, around one hundred people were present to witness this unique event. Contrary to when I saw Neal perform in Goes one week earlier, this time around there was more music involved. Collin had brought along more percussion whilst this time around Neal not only turned towards his acoustic guitar but also played some keyboards. From a vocal point of view he also sang much better than in Goes, this time reaching those incredible high notes with ease. A lot of material from One was performed that night.
Some songs even contained both of his children Jayda and Will's singing which of course added another dimension to the whole. At times it looked like an alternative version of the Kelly Family: the Morse Family!
Contrary to the appearance in Goes, there was not so much talk here, not so much reference to the bible, not so much worship going on, although the location obviously was perfect for this. Instead Neal let the Lord inspire him guiding him through as much music as possible. Amongst the crowd, which included many Spock's Beard and Transatlantic fans there were also some people present who were totally unaware of who Neal Morse was and is. They all were impressed in a very positive way so most of them returned home with a copy of either Testimony, One or the Tilburg DVD under their arms, as they most certainly wanted to hear more. When Neal turned to me asking of I had any requests, I didn't hesitate one minute and asked for some Beatles music. "Lady Madonna" would have been appropriate,
but instead Neal delved into some Abbey Road material, illustrating his musical versatility.
After the show, Neal mingled with the people, signed autographs and above all discussed his Christian beliefs. Needless to say, every single soul left the chapel with a smile on his/her face. Next time Neal puts a tour together no doubt we have to look into the possibility to get him back to Brugge again.
Sincere thanks to Jan Tilleman, the OCMW and its president Frank Vandevoorde, C?cile who had to lock up afterwards, Hans Berten for the detailed sound, Max from Peacedog, the enthusiastic people for showing up and above all Neal Morse and his family simply for being wonderful people!
Setlist (in no particular order) :
Secret Place
God Of Wonders
Peace Like A River
Bridge Across Forever
The Creation
The Man's Gone
Cradle To The Grave
Help Me - The Spirit And The Flesh
Father Of Forgiveness
Sing It High
Beatles Medley (Golden Slumbers - Carry That Weight - The End)
Reviewer: John "Bobo" Bollenberg
Artist website:
Hits: 4469
Language: english
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