Fonya - Wanderers of Neverending Night
Year of Release: 1992
Label: Kinesis
Catalog Number: KDCD 1004
Format: CD
Total Time: 64:48:00"Venus": Synth washes alternate with driving, heavily percussive drums - sonically this is rich. The vocals, while atmospheric and appropriate for the music, are far off-key and lose their effectiveness. The better tracks are the instrumentals. In someway, though, there is too much going on sonically, too much up front. Think a pissed-off Tangerine Dream.
There's a menacing edge to the tracks here - totally appropriate for a track called "Chaotic Resolve (Earth)." The vocals here are less like singing and more like screaming, anguished yells. Unless its my disk, the otherwise pleasant "Elder Sun, Bringer of Light" sounds warped - the way music on ancient classroom filmstrips sounded. Here, though, it is just the main keyboards, the backing instruments sound fine. This track has a very late 80s/early 90s Tangerine Dream feel about it (aside from the warped keys).
[A note: when I originally wrote this, it was part of a section called Quick Takes (short, quick reviews) ... and so um...this was more notes than review... maybe I'll write a fuller one some day - SS 8/2005]
Venus (5:17) / Choatic Resolve (Earth) (5:04) / It's A Long Way Home (Neptune) (4:51) / Mars (6:13) / Jupiter (Dark Side Of Callisto) (6:25) / Heavenly Flight (Mercury) (4:27) / Saturn (5:41) / Uranus (The Skies Glow Green) (7:22) / Pluto's Passage (5:47) / Elder Sun, Bringer Of Light (7:48) / Sea O' Dreams (7:53)
Chris Fournier - bass, guitars, keyboards, drum programming
Phil Fournier - vocals
Wanderers Of Neverending Night (1992)
Soul Travels (1993)
In Flux (1995)
Earth Shaper (1996)
Perfect Cosmological Principle (1997)
Upper Level, Open Space (1998)
Sunset Cliffs (2000)
Genre: Progressive Rock
Origin US
Added: July 25th 1999
Reviewer: Stephanie Sollow
Artist website:
Hits: 3564
Language: english
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