Castello Di Atlante, Il - Quintessenza

Year of Release: 2003
Label: Electromantic Records
Catalog Number: ART 112
Format: CD
Total Time: 46:45:00

Imagine vintage, classic Italian prog rock recorded with crystal clear technology and you get this album by Il Castello Di Atlante. Although the band has been around for 34 years, most of their recorded work has been done in the last two decades. But the sound is progressive (old school) and uncompromised.

Quintessenza begins with the multilayered, orchestral "Non Puoi Fingere" which takes us through several movements during its 12 minutes. We hear all of Castello's influences and styles here, from piercing riffs to flamboyant, soaring symphonies. At the heart of the music is the folk inspirations that navigated many of the classic Italian bands. And the instrumentation is vintage Italian, virtuoso to a point where one cannot conceive how a "part-time" band could play so well together.

Of course, Il Castello is only part time in the sense that years pass between albums. Where the band works is the cohesive contribution between all of its members.

As the remaining tracks display, there is an equal balance between the rhythm instruments, guitar and keyboards. And the vocals are harmonious and embellished.

The band is prone to use the typical analog keyboards of the 70s, including synthesizer and a lot of Hammond. And the ever present, but not obtrusive, violin of Massimo Di Lauro reminds me of some of the finer Quebequois bands of the 70s that incorporated Acadian folk into progressive rock formats. However, above all, Il Castello Di Atlanti is definitively Italian in concept and excecution. Quintesssenza is their fifth studio album and deserves much more attention.

If you like the early Italian progressive bands, but suffer through the poor sound quality of many of them, then Il Castello Di Atlante is a perfect solution for you. They never resort to depending on modern technology to support flaws in their song writing. In effect, everything is the exact opposite. With excellent composition, playing and complexity, the music speaks for itself. And the modern sound is only another element that adds to the overall excellence.

Non Puoi Fingere (12:17) / Il Marinen Forgia Il Sampo (7:48) / Il Tempo A Venire (3:23) / Cavalcando Tra Le Nuvole (7:04) / Questo Destino (14:57) / Il Tempo A Venire (1:15)

Roberto Giordano - keyboards, vocals
Aldo Bergamini - guitars, keyboards, vocals
Paolo Ferrarotti - drums, vocals
Massimo Di Lauro - violin, keyboards
Franco Fava - bass

Sono Io Il Signore Delle Terre A Nord (1992)
Passo Dopo Passo (1994)
L'Ippogrifo (1994)
Come Il Seguitare Delle Stagioni (2001)
Quintessenza (2003)
Concerto Acustico (2006)
Capitolo 7 - Tra Le Antiche Mura (2009)

Genre: Progressive Rock

Origin IT

Added: April 21st 2008
Reviewer: Richard Zywotkiewicz

Artist website:
Hits: 3617
Language: english


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