Blueheels (November 2007)
Added: November 24th 2007
Date of Performance: September 16, 2007
Venue: Willy Street Fair, Williamson Street, Madison, WI, USBlueheels also hail from Wisconsin, and are comprised of Robby Schiller on acoustic guitar and vocals; Adam Cargin on drums; Justin Bricco on electric guitar; Brett Jannusch on bass; and Rebecca Krafft on vocals. Or maybe it's just Schiller, Cargin, and Bricco with Justin Perkins on bass and backing vocals. They have two MySpace spaces, you see? and no clue as to which is their actual current site? But what seems certain is they've got one album, called Long Gone. Joshua Turner checks in with comments on their live set?
Blueeels was the second act of the day; so there was a slight intermission. We used this time to stretch our legs and go for a walk. We got all the way to the other end of the neighborhood. There we found a punk band suitably named Gut Reaction. They were already underway on the Underground Stage. It seems that the various venues instituted a strategy that allowed for overlap in the event you wanted to filch a little from each show.
At any rate, I did not care much for this so-called music. The lead singer appeared to be having a seizure and his hands were contorted with the oddest hand-gestures. All the while, he appeared to be unsteady as he incoherently screamed. Since I am not sure if this reflects a permanent ailment or whether this behavior was on purpose, I?ll cease to share any further comments.
Ultimately, we turned tail and got the heck out of there.
As I had not originally intended to sit in on Blueheels, we used the time to get lunch.
We topped this off with three flavors of Italian Ice: Horchata, Mango Lemonade, and Coconut. Totally unrelated, but I thought it interesting to point out that it came with a 100% biodegradable spoon. This is an example of the kind of vendors and patrons that the festival drew in.
Anyhow, after our meal and gratuitous dessert, we returned to the Rock Stage.
Shortly thereafter, I encountered a band named after ladies footwear. If you?re paying attention, I'm referencing to the Blue Heels. We were told that they were a cross between Americana and Country. What we got instead was a modern display of Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Swamp Music." Plus, they were as kitschy as the frozen treat I had just gobbled up.
The song they played as we reached the cement moat around the stage was a kaleidoscope of rock and blues. This fusion featured excellent guitar solos and cohesively-coordinated rhythms from a very keen team. You know there is talent in a band when they can play well whether they're accompanied or alone.
The Blueheels had lots of energy and enthusiasm, got the job done and were fit for the position. Those chaps were young but seasoned like Merle Haggard or Willie Nelson. They're a four-piece outfit that consists of two guitarists, a bassist, and a drummer [which supports the second configuration noted above -ed.]. One of the guitarists was a shredder whereas the other doubled as a singer.
It's also a fact that they looked nothing alike. Come to think, had I not seen them performing together, I would have never guessed that they were musicians or for that matter, got off the same bus.
Typically, birds of a feather that flock together at least share a commonality or two. Not in this case. The shredder had spiked mutton-chops that hearkened to the South. The singer, on the other hand, had bleached-blonde hair that placed him on a surfboard in the West Coast.
As it turns out, we saw the trail end of this show. It seems the one song was their last, which is why I have so little to report. Nevertheless, I was impressed with their abilities and wish I had seen more. Maybe next time!
As for you - if the opportunity arises - please see them for me - and write back. (2nd MySpace site)
Reviewer: Joshua Turner
Artist website:
Hits: 5617
Language: english
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