Peter The Great - Go Figure

Year of Release: 2004
Label: independent/Anvil Records
Catalog Number: n/a
Format: CD
Total Time: 68:17:00

From time to time people mail us at ProgPower Online with the request to have their album reviewed. As we all are always interested in new music, of course we are happy to do that. When I received a mail from Peter The Great, I first checked out his website. Browsing through it, I got interested. His album, Go Figure, was created using a substantial number of vintage analogue synths, and as I am a sucker for analogue synths, I became even more curious.

Peter the Great is actually Peter van Breukelen, born in the Netherlands, but moved to Australia in the 80s. He runs his own studio/label and focuses on progressive rock. In the accompanying note, Peter states to be influenced by bands such as King Crimson, Genesis, UK and Yes, so that certainly raised the expectations high. So when I got the album, I gave it a lot of time in my CD player. Go Figure is an all instrumental album, played entirely with analogue synthesizers. Very quickly I got the feeling several songs are similar in style to what Jean-Michel Jarre does. There are a lot of sequencers used on the album and that makes some songs sound a bit like one repetitive tune, like "Cyclop's Binoculars" or "Labratto".

As much as I love vintage analogue synths, I can't seem to get into this one. It's very technical and I miss the real melody a bit. On the website is stated: "This CD is influenced by Genesis, King Crimson, UK among others and is one of the best examples of progressive rock released in recent times." Unfortunately I cannot agree with this. I don't hear any of the great progbands of all times reflected in this music. And I would certainly not call this one of the best examples of prog of recent times. The sad truth is that many of Jean-Michel Jarre's albums are much better than this one. Frankly, I wouldn't even call this album progressive rock.

The album is not all bad, as there are some nice songs on it, like "Pike" or "Seer's Fluxional Fluke," but it is not at all what I expected it to be and it also does not live up to the descriptions on the website. As Peter the Great did everything himself, he has shown he is a skilled musician and sound engineer, but hopefully next time he will treat us to something truly progressive. I find it sad to say, but personally I would not buy this album, despite my love for the analogue synths. You could check out the website and listen to some samples, to get a good idea how the album sounds. Who knows, maybe you like it.

Similar bands: Jean-Michel Jarre

[This review originally appeared June 2004 at the ProgPower Online review site -ed.]

Battle Of The Dead Leopards (5:40) / The Well (1:09) / Bully (4:52) / Cyclops's Binoclulars (6:00) / Nautilus (3:42) / Lotus Eater (9:41) / Seer's Fluxional Fluke (3:18) / Edge Of Forever (4:16) / Jupiter's Havana Cow (2:09) / Labratto (6:13) / The More I Know The Closer I Get (2:44) / Compromise With An Idiot (3:48) / Garlic Man (7:11) / Pike (8:12)

Peter The Great - everything
Sandy-Sue - vocals
Al Capone - thunder and lighting (9)

Go Figure (2004)

Genre: Electronic

Origin AU

Added: May 29th 2005
Reviewer: Marcel Haster
Artist website:
Hits: 2912
Language: english


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