Weingarten, Carl, Gale Ormiston and Phil Neon - Submergings

Year of Release: 2001
Label: Multiphase
Catalog Number: 109
Format: CD
Total Time: 46:56:00

Somewhere in the darkness that cannot muster up the necessary courage to emerge from the deep blue and extend its shadows throughout the surface lies a world of mystery and creatures of iridescent beauty and brute features. And yet within this dark shyness a sense of hardened reality prevails; a collective essence brought by its inhabitants into existence and denouncing the hardships endured to achieve this netherworld paradise. A manifest echo that often vibrates through the entire ocean before reaching its very surface, the waves, the sand, and those absorbed in their contemplation, but not before being refracted into a myriad elemental emotions and dispersing everywhere afterwards. And those who happen to cross paths with the resulting particles are gradually enthralled by the desire to...submerge.

To submerge into peaceful exploration and thus acquire the very essence of deep maritime surroundings reflecting the very grandeur of the sky and transforming one into nothing but a vibrant particle in the spectacle that unfolds. Carl Weingarten, Gale Ormiston, and Phil Neon are vibrant and participating particles, the conducting coils of the deep, and Submergings is the latter, both closely intimate and vastly magnificent at the same time. The listener is softly taken by the hand in an underwater voyage to which only a dark sense of pleasantness belongs, softly convinced into trusting the caressing sonic guide and absorbing the quintessential water that fills one's lungs and slowly merges the core with the darkness. And despite the shadows, despite the wondrous repetition, despite the layers of bubbling sounds, recoiling murmurs, and gently gloomy atmospherics, to submerge is to find beauty.

Even when the unfathomable is left slowly behind and one is brought to the surface momentarily, as transpires during "Transitions (An Ambient Medley)," the aural surroundings breathe the profound mystery and float through the air like distant memories formed by mere elemental impressions, pure feelings that pour an unconscious peace upon the listener. And such is the very quintessence of Submergings, deviating from the regular flow only slightly with "Jonah," on which the deep blue wonder becomes infinitesimally turbulent and the minimalism of Philip Glass is brought to the impressionist collage of the mind, while Weingarten subtly and shortly brings moments of Far Eastern enlightenment under the veil of the atmosphere. And under the veil, fascinated with the maritime netherworld, and as a particle of a magnificent design is how the listener will at last find both the courage and the means to plunge into the beautiful darkness and know what it is like to...submerge.

Similar Artists: Manuel Göttsching, Eno, Klaus Schulze

First released in 1981

Layers In Sequence (11:39) / Transitions (An Ambient Medley) (12:15) / Jonah (7:48) / Submergings (15:12)

Carl Weingarten - guitars, synthesizers, loops, delay
Gale Ormiston - synthesizers
Phil Neon - electric guitar

Submergings (1981/2001) (w/Gale Ormiston & Phil Neon)
Delay Tactics - Out-Pop Options (1982)
Windfalls (1983) (guest app.)
Delay Tactics - Any Questions? (1984)
Living In The Distant Present (1985)
Delay Tactics - Dreaming In Colors (1986)
Laughing At Paradise (1988)
Primitive Earth (w/Walter Whitney) (1989)
Critical Path (w/Walter Whitney) (1991)
Slide Of Hand (1991)
Pandora's Garage (1992)
The Court Musicians - At The Court Of The Chera King (1993)
Redwood Melodies (1995)
The Acoustic Shadow (1995)
Silent Night (w/Kavi Alexander) (1998)
Blue Faith (2000)
Escapesilence (2002)
Hand In The Sand - A Collection 1990-2004 (2004)
Local Journeys (2005)
Invisibility (w/Forrest Fang) (2006)
Lost In The Air (2008)

Genre: Other

Origin US

Added: May 18th 2002
Reviewer: Marcelo Silveyra
Artist website: carlweingarten.blogspot.com
Hits: 4063
Language: english


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