That 1 Guy (July 2008)

Date of Performance: June 1, 2008
Venue: Barrymore Theater, Madison, WI, US

To give you an idea of what we're dealing with: This particular guy played funk on a shoe and "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" on a saw. And yes, the personnel consisted of one person playing several instruments - if that's what you want to call his MacGyver'ed gear - at once.

That 1 Guy was obviously a novelty act. While he had instant allure, it eventually became tiresome due to repetitive squeaks and squonks. Then again, he packed the house, and fans seemed to enjoy his onomatopæia. So who am I to judge this unusual entertainer with the oversized erector set?

Typically, lobbies and streets are full until headliners take the stage. However, you could hear a pin drop outside the theater, and there were literally no lines forming at the bathrooms because everyone was scrunched inside the concert hall trying to discern the convoluted props of Rubik's consonant cousin.

One fan in particular said it was the most interesting opener he's ever seen. Well, for the record; I've probably seen much more than him. My list includes notable bands such as Fates Warning and Big Wreck for the warm-up stretch. Then again, it's difficult to disagree and keep a clear conscience when this craftsman has successfully created an inimitable sound with homegrown makeshift apparatus.

There were no Parker guitars or Rickenbacker basses in his eccentric ensemble. In all actuality, this routine was closer to Fat Albert's junkyard cut-scenes. While it's not something that should be completely overlooked, its purpose is still somewhat transitory. In other words, this act is certainly miss-able after the first ten minutes.

My suspicions that this might be Buckethead[, the evening's headliner,] pulling double-duty was put to rest when That 1 Guy later performed a duet - or quintet if you count everything he played at once - with that Kentucky fried fanatic masochistically basking in a pasty mask and under a cardboard fedora. Incidentally, this disclosure occurred in the definitive encore, so I thought - for the majority of the night - that this secluded dude was the ex-axeman who used to work with Axel Rose. Alas, this showcase showdown conclusively proves that he was not.

What's also worthy of note is that this musician sang as well and used some nifty tricks to overdub himself on top of inscrutable verses he had just laid down. I must say that this featured item was pretty cool.

Watching his contraptions on display, it's apparent this solitary soul is a bassist and a good one at that. I can appreciate gimmicks but maybe he should join a full-blown crew and/or demote his idiosyncrasies exclusively to a sideshow. He should also consider replacing his flaccid bow, as that beat-up stick is the only thing that's real in his shtick.

Added: July 30th 2008
Reviewer: Joshua "Prawg Dawg" Turner
Artist website:
Hits: 4570
Language: english

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